
Nautical Sector
The nautical sector is not limited to navigation and the use of boats but also encompasses fundamental aspects related to safety and individual protection at sea. Among these, the production and distribution of life-saving devices, such as life jackets, stand out as essential elements to ensure the safety of anyone on board.
These devices, designed to meet rigorous international standards, provide protection for both professional users, such as crews and fishermen, and those using boats for recreational purposes. Technological innovation plays a crucial role in developing life jackets that are increasingly efficient, lightweight, and comfortable, capable of adapting to various usage conditions and withstanding the most extreme situations.
In the marine industry, safety is paramount and our products are designed to ensure reliable performance in emergency situations. Our ISO 12402 certified items include the following: HB/40, SHB/40, Whistle LJW2, CR/40, SSL/30, CRP/20 and CRP/25. We mainly use acetal material with a low degree of water absorption, ensuring robust and high-quality solutions for every sailor. Accessories such as nautical whistles and buckles are essential to ensure maximum safety at sea, responding to the specific needs of users and making every experience on the water safer through a focus on innovation.